Anam Cara Geelong is delighted to announce Tom Hawkins as our Public Appeal Ambassador, as we move towards reaching our target to build the New Anam Cara Hospice at Deakin University, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus.
Tom recently shared his thoughts behind supporting our public appeal.
“Why have I chosen to support Anam Cara House Geelong’s public appeal? There are a few very good reasons, some are deeply personal, but mainly it is about providing a choice for the Geelong community. We cannot change the outcome, but we can positively impact the journey. Having the choice of care at the end-of-life is most important. It can give a sense of peace during a time that could easily be dominated by uncertainty and fear, for both the person undertaking the journey and their family and friends This incredible new facility will provide this environment.
The end-of-life journey deserves as much beauty, care and respect as the beginning of life. This is what Anam Cara does. You can help us fund this important facility for our region, by supporting our Public Appeal. Together we will ensure that Anam Cara’s respectful, compassionate care is available to all”
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