Our Supporters.

Anam Cara House Geelong is so thankful to the corporates, families and people who contribute financially and/or with their time to our not-for-profit organisation.

Become a Supporter

Please fill in the form below and a member of our partnership & fundraising team will get in touch with you.

Corporate Support & Partnerships

Geelong businesses are the backbone of our community - stimulating economic growth, facilitating investment, and generating jobs in the region.

In regional Victoria, local businesses know their corporate social responsibility starts with grassroots support of local sports and social clubs, schools, health facilities and charities.

There are a range of ways businesses and organisations can get involved and partner Anam Cara House Geelong, including:

  • Financial gifts

  • In kind goods or services

  • Staff volunteering

  • Promotion of Anam Cara House Geelong to the community

Corporate Support & Partnerships

Geelong businesses are the backbone of our community - stimulating economic growth, facilitating investment, and generating jobs in the region.

In regional Victoria, local businesses know their corporate social responsibility starts with grassroots support of local sports and social clubs, schools, health facilities and charities.

There are a range of ways businesses and organisations can get involved and partner Anam Cara House Geelong, including:

  • Financial gifts

  • In kind goods or services

  • Staff volunteering

  • Promotion of Anam Cara House Geelong to the community

Anam Cara House Geelong Supporters

The families, trusts and corporates who contribute financially to enable Anam Cara House Geelong to deliver its critical palliative care services now and in the future.

Major Supporter - Howard Glover Trust.

Anam Cara House Geelong would not be here without the Howard Glover Trust.

We acknowledge Mrs Jan Glover for her unwavering and continued support over many, many years. Jan and her family’s Howard Glover Trust have stood by our not-for-profit organisation since its inception, and have ensured that we are in the sustainable position that we are today, delivering critical services to the Geelong community.


The new Anam Cara House Geelong Partners

The families, trusts and corporate partners who have pledged a gift of $10,000 or more to the build and fit-out of our new state-of-the-art home.

Families & Individuals
Trusts & Foundations

Having a choice is what the people of Geelong deserve.
Our guests are given dignity and the highest-level of comfort and care when it matters most.

Thank you for supporting our not-for-profit organisation.

Donate online now to ACHG’s Annual Giving Appeal to support day-to-day operations so we can continue to deliver our critical services.

This link will open our external secure donation page in a new window. 

There are various ways to donate & support ACHG. In-person, leave a gift in your will, become a member and more!

Or maybe you’re interested in volunteering or partnering with ACHG?

There are two key ways to donate.

Giving Day Complete!

With everyone’s generosity, and the help of our matching donors, $880,090 has been raised, allowing us to immediately open six more palliative care bedrooms.

Regular Donation

Donate online now to Anam Cara House Geelong’s day-to-day operations so we can continue to deliver our critical services.

There are two key ways to donate.

Giving Day Complete!

With everyone’s generosity, and the help of our matching donors, $880,090 has been raised, allowing us to immediately open six more palliative care bedrooms.

Regular Donation

Donate online now to Anam Cara House Geelong’s day-to-day operations so we can continue to deliver our critical services.